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Trusts and Foundations

We are fortunate to partner with a number of trusts and foundations who support our work securing legal and systemic change to address violence and discrimination against all women and girls around the world. When you partner with us, you will receive a dedicated Equality Now contact and receive regular updates on how your donation has been spent.

As a partner, you can choose to support specific campaigns or provide us with a general donation that can go towards where it is needed most to ensure we can continue working towards our mission of making a just world for women and girls a reality.

Why support gender equality?

Women and girls face systemic inequality and discrimination stemming from patriarchal structures. These inequalities are often embedded in the law. This inequality means that women can face violence, sexual assault, harmful practices such as female genital mutilation, trafficking, limited education, and economic opportunities, and physical and mental health issues.

We believe that when women and girls can live free from violence and discrimination – when laws protect and uphold their human rights – everyone benefits. Equality Now advocates for governments to repeal or amend sex discriminatory laws and to promote gender equality.

With the adoption of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, there is a greater focus on gender equality than ever before, and we are well-positioned to take advantage of the current momentum to put in place strong laws and responsive systems that guarantee the rights of women and girls. Together with our wide network of partners and activists we will drive progress toward gender equality and put an end to discrimination and violence against girls and women.

Get in touch

Contact to speak to a member of our Trusts and Foundations Team.