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CSO Declaration for the 4th LAC Regional Conference on Population and Development

This statement details civil society organizations’ concerns ahead of the upcoming (in 2023) 10 year anniversary of the Montevideo Consensus, and urges States to take clear, specific measures, backed by sufficient economic resources, to guarantee all that was agreed to, especially sexual and reproductive rights, cultural and territorial rights, gender rights, ethnic rights, and rights of persons with disabilities, assuming them as part of universal human rights.

This intersectional statement particularly highlights the need to address the additional vulnerabilities experienced by historically marginalized groups including afro-descendant women, indigenous women, girls, adolescents, young people, elderly people, pregnant people, people with disabilities, lesbians, bisexuals, trans people, and many other groups, as they are the ones who suffer the gravest consequences of inequality and poverty which were major problems even before the pandemic, and have only been aggravated by States’ narrow focus on the health crisis, to the neglect of other crises.