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Bahamas – Equality Now joint submission to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women 71st Session October 2018

The joint submission deals with our concerns about prevailing gender discrimination in the Constitution of The Bahamas and in its Nationality Act (Chapter 190).

This letter will focus on continued violations of women’s nationality rights in The Bahamas in direct violation of Articles 2 (non-discrimination including in policy measures) and 9 (nationality), resulting in further violations of articles 3 (Guarantee of Basic Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms), 13-a and b (Economic and Social Benefits), and 16-1 b and d (Marriage and Family Life) of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.

The Committee referenced this submission in their Concluding Observations following the 71st session held in October 2018.

Submitted by: Equality Now, the Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights, and the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion.